Review #52: Station to Station, David Bowie

#52: Station to Station, David Bowie
Station to Station was the last full album I heard before stopping at a nice hotel near the Missouri border. I had kicked off my road trip that very morning with #40, Ziggy Stardust — one of many serendipitous moments where I was certain that the list was beginning to neatly frame my life.
My nerves were numb from having been so alert for such a long time, but I was still wide awake. I had survived both Radiohead and Jay-Z. I had gotten lost in the city of Philadelphia. I was the strongest person alive.
The picture of David Bowie on the cover is actually a still from a movie he starred in right before this album came out, The Man Who Fell To Earth. Apparently, he was supposed to make music for the movie but didn’t because of a contractual thing. Imagine having David Bowie as your star and not being able to use his music!
This is a very short album, which is maybe to its advantage. Only six songs long! The perfect length for the musical tourist.
“Station to Station” — I shouldn’t like a ten-minute-long David Bowie song, but when this one gets going, the guitar is pretty metal. And he talks about being the Thin White Duke! Definitely a less fun character than Ziggy Stardust, but I’ve always preferred antagonists.
“Golden Years” — Oh, this grooves.
“Word on a Wing” — Very disco, and I love his voice here — he goes so low!
“TVC15” — Uh-uhuhuhuh! I dig it.
“Stay” — Sick guitar intro. I found that most of these songs fell right out of my head, but this is such a good vibe album. I could listen to it over and over again. Know what I mean?
“Wild Is The Wind” — Maybe I was just really ready to go to sleep, but this last song was torture. Way, way, way too slow, David Bowie.
To tell you the truth, I prefer this to Ziggy Stardust. Even though the Thin White Duke is more Emo Singer than Space Psycho, I think this album is much more weird and fun. I nominate Station to Station to take its place!